On August of 2012, a very special woman left to the heaven’s above. At the age of 47, Modesta Longoria-our Tia, passed away after a valiant battle with breast cancer. During her last weeks with us physically, many of us will never forget her telling us that although her body was tired, she HERSELF- was not. This was a testament of her strong spirit and her courageous journey with this unfortunate disease.
In 2012, we added an additional philanthropy to Supernova- Celebrating Life, While Giving Back To The Community, in honor of our loved one – Auntie Modesta (Tita). Her journey and will to fight this disease is an inspiration that provided strength, support, and love to so many. In her honor, we introduced a scholarship that is available to students.
Requirements include:
- Personal Essay (2 pages maximum). Open to any major but please describe how your current educational and/or professional path will lead towards raising cancer awareness, prevention and/ or support within the Latino community and/or vulnerable populations.
- Must be enrolled at least part time (6 units) in a community college or university in Northern California, working towards an Associate, Bachelors, or Masters degree
- Current transcripts (unofficial is ok). Must have a minimum 2.8 GPA
- At least one letter of recommendation from a professor, mentor or employment supervisor, speaking on your potential for leadership and qualification for this award
- Students of Latino background (or any student who demonstrates a commitment towards working with Latino communities)
(Above: Photo of 2019 scholarship recipients Brenda Marquez and Eliana Lopez)
Recipients are required to be available for the Supernova – Celebrating Life, While Giving Back To The Community event on Saturday, November 18, 2023, to be presented with their scholarship.
Please submit all materials by Sunday, October 29th @ 11:59 p.m. via email to supernovafoundation@gmail.com
Scholarship recipients will be notified by Monday, November 6th, 2023, and the scholarship presented at SUPERNOVA, on Saturday, November 18th, 2023 (winning applicant(s) must be present).
Download the 2023-2024 Scholarship here
For additional support, contact us at supernovafoundation@gmail.com